The highest navigable lake in the world and the largest sweet water lake in South America…Titicaca is probably a lake everybody has heard of. While the bigger part lies in Peru, in our opinion the more beautiful side belongs to Bolivia. The biggest city/town on the Bolivian site of the lake is called Copacabana, spelled the same as the famous beach district in Rio de Janeiro. Most tourists use Copacabana as base to explore the lake. The town is small, but quite nice, it has a very good food-market, where you can eat fresh fish for under 2€. All the excursions to islands on the lake start from the port of Copacabana.
The most visited island is called Isla del Sol, it is a one hour boat ride away. The island is scarcely inhabited and due to an ongoing argument between indigenous tribes, only the north of the island is allowed to be explored. Incas believe that the sun god was born on that specific island, that’s where the name, Isla del Sol, comes from.
The whole lake, but especially Isla del Sol is a very calm, peaceful place, that invites you to relax and connect with the nature around you. We highly recommend doing an overnight stay, cause it gives you more time to explore and also the chance to maybe witness a stunning lake-sunset.